Industrial round ball bio organic fertilizer Granulator

This Granulator machine can turn many kinds of materials into round ball bio organic fertilizer granules. Pellet rate can reach as high as 98%, very few returning materials.

It is Ring die system extrusion machine, so the  organic fertilizer granules are Uniform with good hardness.

The moisture content of feedstock could be 30-35%, no need to dry before granulation process.

The following raw materials can be transformed into granules,

1) Agricultural waste: straw, rice bran, grass, dregs of beans, cotton dregs, etc.

2) Animal manure: poultry litter and animal waste, such as fish market, urine and dung of Cow, Pig, Sheep, Deer, Chicken, Duck, Geese, Goat, earthworm cast etc.

3) Industrial waste: biogas residue, palm oil residue, wine lees, vinegar residue, starch pulp, manioc waste, sugar scum, furfural residue, bean cakes, fruit residue, etc.

4) Home scrap: food waste, bones, the roots and leaves of vegetables, etc.

5) Sewage sludge, Pond sludge, Residues of urban rubbish, etc.

6) Bentonite, Diatomite, Zeolite, Lignite, Turfs/Peat, etc.

7) Organic materials mix with Mineral materials.

For more information,Contact Amy Lee NOW!

Tel / Whats app / Skype / Wechat: +86 13475961259




Wet method manure compost ring die organic fertilizer ball granulator

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